Learning for Life in the VisionQuest Program

Published On
July 19, 2024


VisionQuest program to transition from students to adults. A classroom with teenage students. Education Alternatives, Ohio

Transitioning from school to adult life looks different for students with disabilities. That’s why Education Alternative’s special education program, VisionQuest, prepares Ohio students for success beyond the classroom!

Here at Education Alternatives, we are dedicated to helping your child succeed in school. However, we also know that the ultimate goal of quality education is to equip students with the skills and tools necessary to lead happy, successful, and independent lives beyond the years of their formal education.

For students with physical disabilities and students with cognitive disabilities, the transition from school to adulthood involves comprehensive planning and support that goes further than traditional academics. 

Changing from school-based services to life after school can be intimidating and overwhelming for you and your child.  

That’s where EA’s VisionQuest program comes in! 

It is a unique transition program that helps students with physical and cognitive disabilities gain greater independence and learn essential life skills they will need in the future. 
If you think your child could benefit from this kind of support to transition into life after school, keep reading to discover how VisionQuest can help them achieve the bright future they deserve.

The importance of preparing for the post-school transition

For many parents of children with cognitive or physical disabilities, the thought of life after their child’s formal education years can be nerve-wracking. 

You likely have many concerns about how this significant change will affect your child and questions about how they can continue to receive the support they need into adulthood.

You may be wondering: 

  • How will your child cope with losing their school routine and familiar structure? 
  • Where can you find the appropriate resources and support services for their adult years? 
  • How can your child build and maintain social connections outside a school community? 

While we may not be able to alleviate all of your concerns, we can assure you that with good planning and proper support, you can help your child achieve greater independence and a more fulfilling adult life.

For students with disabilities, effective planning is essential for a successful transition from school to adulthood. 

Creating the plan to make this process as smooth as possible starts in your child’s Individual Education Plan meetings with their IEP team. 

Educational initiatives to support your transition planning

While we won’t discuss transition planning in too much detail, we highly encourage you to review the resources on the Disability Rights Ohio website for more information. 

In the state of Ohio, planning for your child’s post-school transition begins at age 14. 

Your child must have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) to start this process. The IEP is a personalized plan for students with cognitive or physical disabilities that details the specific education, services, and supplementary support they will receive during their education. 

As your child enters high school, the focus shifts towards preparing them for success after graduation. 

In collaboration with their IEP team, you will begin setting goals for your child’s post-school activities and outlining the transition services they will need to achieve them successfully.

Post-school activities can include: 

  • College 
  • Vocational training 
  • Employment 
  • Continuing or adult education 
  • Independent living 
  • Community participation 

You and your child’s IEP team will collaborate to determine the most realistic and suitable activities for your child’s unique strengths and challenges. 

This process also includes identifying the educational initiatives, programs, and services to help them achieve these goals. 

Our unique VisionQuest program at Education Alternatives is designed for this purpose and could be just the right place for your child!

What is EA School’s VisionQuest program?

VisionQuest is EA School’s unique educational initiative that helps older students with physical and/or cognitive disabilities prepare for life after graduation.

Within this special education program, the focus shifts from traditional academics to the essential skills needed for a happy and healthy life beyond school.

Each student’s needs are unique, and their development within VisionQuest is guided by the post-secondary goals outlined in their Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

The general goals of the program are to help your child: 

  • Learn skills for future employment opportunities 
  • Develop healthy habits 
  • Get involved in their communities 
  • Achieve independent or semi-independent living after their school years  

By focusing on these areas, we can help our students build a strong foundation for a successful future.

Who can participate in the VisionQuest program?

To qualify for VisionQuest, your child must have a current IEP from a local school district. This is important because the IEP will guide the services your child receives and the skills they develop during their transition to life after school. The IEP should indicate that your child needs a living and skills-focused education to ensure future success.

Students can join the VisionQuest program in the 9th grade and stay until they turn 22. 

A special education program for future success 

VisionQuest provides diverse opportunities for students to cultivate the tools and skills essential for a happy and fulfilling adult life:

Employment opportunities

If employment after school is a goal your child is pursuing, they will have the opportunity to prepare for this by participating in both on-site student-run businesses and off-site opportunities with local businesses.

These supportive environments foster confidence and enable students to gain practical experience in retail, food service, outdoor maintenance, and other industries.

Off-site job opportunities include working a few hours a week at a local community center or fast-food restaurant. 

Our student-run businesses also allow those in our VisonQuest program to improve their job skills and serve the local community.   

Our student-run businesses include: 

  • PawPrints: a personalized apparel store catering to EA students, families, and staff, as well as clients in the broader community.
  • Chubby Cups: a small food service initiative that supports a weekly carry-out restaurant at EA schools.
  • GrEAt Outdoors Groundskeeping: a groundskeeping service specializing in maintaining outdoor spaces.

The fundamental employment skills students learn in the VisionQuest program will prepare them to qualify for and maintain stable employment suited to their abilities after graduation.

Independence and community involvement

In addition to offering diverse job opportunities, VisionQuest helps develop students’ independence and encourages their active engagement in the local community.

Students participate in project-based problem-solving tasks each week that simulate essential skills for independent living and community participation. 

These experiences include:

  • Retail and grocery shopping 
  • Essential wellness and safety tasks 
  • Leisure activities 

Students gain the skills and confidence necessary to navigate adult life by practicing these day-to-day activities in a safe environment. This hands-on approach prepares them to tackle responsibilities independently and thrive in their communities.

At Education Alternatives, we understand that the transition to adulthood can be daunting. That’s why we provide the comprehensive VisionQuest program and prioritize supporting you and your family in any way we can.

You can trust that we are here for you every step of the way.

This includes collaborating with your family to establish a dependable and sustainable transportation plan for your child, a service we provide across all our special education programs. 

Our team is also committed to connecting your family with the appropriate adult service agencies and government programs to ensure ongoing support for your child during and after their time with VisionQuest.

We know this transition can be scary. 

That’s why the Education Alternatives team is here to help you every step of the way. 

If you think the VisonQuest program could be the right fit for your child, contact us today!  

Our team will happily answer any questions you have about VisionQuest, transition planning, and our other special education programs. 

Did you find this article helpful? Check out our other blogs to learn more about alternative education and find valuable resources for your family!   

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